ESSENTIAL OILS has been created so that everyone can have free access and learn about the use of essential oils in daily life.Every day we look for more and more things that help us improve our way of life, our health, our home and every day we want to do it naturally without exposing our body or our family to external factors; therefore, finding a way to use ESSENTIAL OILS is a way to include healthy habits in our lives in a simple and practical way.In ESSENTIAL OILS you will find:• Introduction to essential oils: what they are, how to use them, recommendations before use.• Individual oils: Properties and some uses• Blends of Essential Oils: the most recognized blends, their components, properties and uses.• Symptoms: Depending on the affectation, it will tell you how you can treat it, what oils, quantities, forms of use.• Protocols: Ways to use ESSENTIAL OILS to balance energy, mild symptoms, emotions, etc.• Beauty: Protocols that you can combine to improve your physical appearance.• Children: ESSENTIAL OILS can also be used in children, only in the recommended amounts. You can also do it through diffusers that improve the environments in which they develop.• Aphrodisiacs: ESSENTIAL OILS can be used at any time in your life and why not use them for those romantic moments?Additional in ESSENTIAL OILS you can:• Share information on your social networks• Select oils, protocols as favorites• You can review which oils are most viewed• The top of essential oils• Different categories with easy navigation.Note: The information collected has been a compendium of suggestions and uses, taken from experience as information and should be treated in this way. In cases of critical health problems, they should always be treated with your trusted doctor. It is also important that when purchasing your ESSENTIAL OILS you do so with trusted and reputable suppliers that support the information contained herein.